Registration now open!

Your time IS now! The 2025 WASC State Conference for both JAM and SHS is scheduled for Sunday, April 6 - Monday, April 7 at the Madison Marriott West!
Save the dates!
In order to continue developing the leadership skills of the young leaders of Wisconsin, the WASC has been hosting an annual State Conference since 1936.
The 2025 state conference will take place over two-days. The format for the conference will include motivational speakers, super sectionals, smaller group breakouts, a banquet, entertainment, and a closing ceremony.

You will need to review your district's photo/video release policies. Please check that all students have permission to be photographed. There is a place on the registration to check this off.
All student participants must be able to show a Program Participation form upon registration. The student may use one from an earlier event this year. If needed, please download copy here, print copies, distribute to attendees, and bring hard copies for every attendee with you to State Conference. Program Participation Form
The cost of the conference is as follows: Member participants = $92.00. Non-member participants = $102.00.
For WASC to calculate the total payment for your group, you must enter a number of attendees when it asks for "additional guests" on the very bottom of the registration form. When figuring your number of "additional guests" include all the students attending AND all adults attending, with the exception of the person registering as the primary contact. Again, do NOT include the person filling out the registration with your total under "additional guests"; they will automatically be included in the cost of the event.
Good news, the price of the hotel reservations will stay the same as last year. Sunday night = $119.00/room.
You do not need to make your own reservation. Instead, you will need to make a copy of this Room Listing spreadsheet, fill it out, and return it to It is important on the header of this spreadsheet to indicate your primary contact person and your method of payment. ***Please note that there are rooms listed as Double (meaning 2 Queen beds) and King with a pull out. The form limits the type of Double each school may have. You cannot change that on the spreadsheet.
Along with this spreadsheet, you will also need to send verification of your school's tax exempt status, i.e, a scanned document or a screenshot of your verification card, to If you are paying your hotel invoice by credit card, the Marriott will send you a Credit Card Authorization form.
The State Office will organize these and forward them to the Madison Marriott West.