Hello all, my name is Finley Baumberger and I am a freshman at Evansville High School. I started going to WASC events as an extremely shy sixth grader and completely fell in love with everything about it. By seventh grade I was running for a regional officer position. I spent my eighth grade year as the Region V Secretary, something my sixth grade self would never see me doing. This summer I became a part of the WASC Fundraising Committee and the WASC Website Committee. Recently we have been doing a lot of hard work on the Website Committee to prepare for the launch coming soon! Even though I don't always understand the “website language” I still love being there to share my ideas and opinions and hear everyone else's. I am so grateful to be a part of such a great group of people and extremely thankful that Katie, Alex, Dylan, and Michelle are always looking for my input. I’m super excited for the website and fundraising launch next week!!